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You're viewing Twin Peaks : Season One Cheat Codes

Game Name : Twin Peaks : Season One
System : DVD Video
Date Added : 2005-02-01 10:40:20
Views : 20255
Hidden Interviews
From the [Main Menu], select one of the seven episodes. From the episode screen, highlight [EPISODE FEATURES] and then hit the [Up] arrow on your remote. A flame should now appear in the top left corner. Click on it for small interview clips.

Episode 1: Director Duwayne Dunham.
Episode 2: Director of Photography Frank Byers.
Episode 3: Director Tina Rathborne.
Episode 4: Director Tim Hunter.
Episode 5: Director Lesli Linka Glatter.
Episode 6: Director Caleb Deschanel.
Episode 7: Production Designer Richard Hoover

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